WHAT I WORE: Royal Blue Knitted Sleeveless
Top, bought online | Orange Shorts, bought online | Mustard Block Shoes, Enzo
Shoppe by Sheryl Chan (Shopee) | Earrings, gift | Watch, ATMOSFIT | Shades,
ILAHUI | Bracelet, Third Eye Gemstones | Native Colorful Bag, bought from Ate
Ria Jose

Hey Babes! This is the second SUMMER OOTD dedicated for SUMMER 2018. Again, summer is here once again. In
the Philippines, the summer season officially starts in April – May but with
the constant change in weather conditions, summer can already be felt as early
as March. As somebody who has lived in this tropical country her whole entire
life, I have no choice but to embrace the arrival of summer.
In line with summer, I always make it a
style goal to make my OOTDs colorful. Why? Well, because this season is the
perfect excuse for me to get my floral blouses, my vibrantly colored tops and
bottoms, my fringe earrings and taupe dominated footwear out of my closet and
mix and match to make my summer OOTD on summer point.

Fun Fact: My favorite color is actually
ROYAL BLUE. That’s why I have loads of clothes with this kind of color
The Blue and Orange combo was something
that I got from one of Anne Curtis’ billboard photos here in Davao City (I
think she was endorsing kitchen appliances). I found it so nice on her and
figured that I should try it on me as well. Fast forward to today, this combo
is now one of my favorite color block combos. These two colors, because of
their vibrancies, are summer perfect because these are two colors that
instantly pop out. Plus, the blue can signify the blue sky, blue waters and on
the other hand, the orange can signify the sunset.
This bag was actually a spontaneous
purchase during that day. Ate Ria was bringing a few of the bags she and her
cousin used to sell online. I spotted this colorful number and the rest was
history. Special thanks to Mr. A for buying this bag for me. Price? 750 pesos
only! - Such a good deal already for a beautiful bag like this one. I am a fan of woven
bags so this purchase made me a happy junkie. Hence, the face below ha ha!
Here are other details of the outfit:
Cheers to the season and looking forward to
a great summer this year. But don’t expect yours truly to wear bikinis and tank
tops… I ain’t cut out for that anymore ha ha!