

By Athina Angliongto - 9:02:00 AM

Hello again, Babes! Here's another #THROWBACK photo of me a few days before finding out that I was already six weeks pregnant with my Little Emperor (we're having a boy!). Please do excuse my fat face as this was the time where apparently, I craved for so much random food on the first half of my first trimester, resulting to me getting a bit chubbier than I was before my pregnancy. Lol!

WHAT I WORE: Top, bought online (reconstructed) | Pants, H&M | White Sneakers, PLAINS & PRINTS | Earrings, SHOPTWU | Necklace, gift from MR. A | Bracelet, THIRD EYE GEMSTONES (gift from my aunt) | Beltbag, SHOPEE

Who would have thought that this childhood accessory would still be a thing as the years go by? I remember owning a lot of beltbags when I was younger. Had I known that it would still be something I would like to sport when I become an adult, I would have not given these as donation to the less fortunate during a donation drive at our school. But that's okay, there are those who need those bags more than I do.

Luckily, I found a nice beltbag while I was browsing through my SHOPEE app one day. I got this silver beltbag with a flamingo detail for only Php 341.00 specifically from a shop called SUNDIFO258.ph in SHOPEE. 341 pesos?! Not bad of a deal, eh?

I love this bag! Although one downside about sporting beltbags is that only a few things can fit inside. In my case, only my cellphone and purse can it in this one. I had to leave my huge wallet at home while I was out on this day. Ha ha! Well, at least I learned to prioritize what necessary things to bring when a space issue arises. Lol!

That's it for this #OOTD. Until the next one! =)

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