My first STRIP MANILA (Davao) experience | Brazilian Wax

By Athina Angliongto - 8:47:00 PM


As a girlie who’s somewhat really conscious about hygiene, I personally make it a point have a Brazilian wax at least twice a year. It is actually recommended to get it on a monthly basis but because I am also a corporate girlie, a mother, a wife – basically somebody who wears so many hats – getting two in a year is already a big achievement for yours truly.

For my 3rd Brazilian of the year (oh yes! I passed the twice a year mark for 2023 lol so happy!), I decided to try out STRIP which is located at the 2nd floor of Abreeza Ayala Mall. It was my first time here so I was really excited to try out another waxing salon.

First impression: The place is soooo clean! I also like the smell. I honestly can’t pin point what smell it was but it was like young bamboos or just hints of fresh flowers kind of smell. But yeah, the point is that it smelled so good.

The waxing room was well kept as well and there was a separate cabinet to store the client’s belongings.

The waxing experience:

Now let’s be honest here, no Brazilian wax is ever painless! I don’t understand the others who claim that their braz sessions are painless. Well, let’s give them the benefit of the doubt of having high pain tolerance. But as for me who has done this for almost 10 years now, IT IS PAINFUL! But it helps when your waxing attendant is really attentive and does her utmost best to make the experience as pleasant as it could possibly be.

And what really impressed me is that we were done in approximately 30 minutes! I remember that the waxing proper started at 6:16 in the evening and ended at 6:46 (when I checked my watch). My previous waxing sessions would last almost an hour. Now this really saved me a lot of time and I was even able to join my husband and son for dinner. So happy!


As for the price, I’ll be honest. The price at STRIP is quite expensive compared to waxing salons in Davao City. But if you are to ask me if I will go there again, it’s a big YES!

The service, place and the time spent on waxing is TOPNOTCH! And I am very willing to pay more for the extra comfort.

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